Harewood House, Yorkshire 6th and 7th October
The Kitchen Garden and the Kitchen
We are delighted to let you know that booking for our next Forum is now open. Please register using the booking form via this link:
We will be updating details for Friday 6th October, and the gardens in Yorkshire we’ll visit on Saturday 7th, over the coming weeks.
We will send out updates through the Grapevine and you will also be able to find details on the Events and Training page of the website.
The last time we were in Yorkshire was in 2007 when the Forum was held at Helmsley Walled Garden. So much has changed for the recognition of walled kitchen gardens in the intervening years, and we look forwards enormously to welcoming you in October 2023.

So, so looking forward to this. Much has changed since Helmsley all those years ago but our love of gardening, the outdoors and walled gardens in particular has only got stronger. #outdoorsisbetter!