The online forum for the Walled Kitchen Gardens Network with all the latest news, events and musings.
European Symposium for the conservation of historic fruit and kitchen gardens
Newsletter No 6 with details of the next online talk (22 March) and more : Invitation to the second live Symposium event in The Netherlands – with earlybird discount!
Susan Campbell 1931-2024
We are very sad to have to announce that our founder, chairman and friend Susan, passed away on the 2nd January 2024. She had become ill very suddenly after Christmas at home, and died peacefully at the local hospice. Her family are planning a private funeral followed by a celebration of her life at her home late Spring/early Summer this year
The Walled Kitchen Gardens Network – New Year’s Eve 2023
People to thank and gardens to celebrate Dear friends, now at the very end of the year with the winter solstice behind us, Christmas festivities done and leftovers in the fridge, we want to send out our biggest thanks to everyone who has been involved with and supported WKGN this year. In March we celebrated Susan Campbell receiving the Veitch Memorial Medal 2023 from the RHS in recognition for her work over nearly 40 years, on and for walled kitchen gardens. It is also now 21 years since the initial meeting held at Hellens in Herefordshire, organised by Susan and Fiona Grant and which instigated the start of the Walled… Read more »
NEWSLETTER NUMBER 4, OCTOBER 2023 To attend the online Zoom seminar at 9.00am (UK) on October 12 please use this link;
Why not work at lovely Audley End, Saffron Walden?
SENIOR KITCHEN GARDENER Title Senior Kitchen Gardener Location. Audley End House, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB11 4JF Salary£26094 / 36 hours per week / permanent Job typePermanent Ref15096 Applications close on 22/9/23 Audley End would be delighted to hear from you, if you would like to talk to us about this role before you apply, please contact Louise Ellis, Head Gardener, at
The Walled Kitchen Gardens Network – Forum 2023 *News and updates*
Harewood House, Yorkshire 6th and 7th October The Kitchen Garden and the Kitchen Booking is well underway and we are looking forwards to very interesting talks and lively discussions – you can book using the registration form below, payment details are on the form: Our speakers are all hugely experienced gardeners, historian and chefs, and we have a wonderful opportunity to hear and learn from: Trevor Nicholson – Head Gardener at Harewood House, Yorkshire Steffie Shields – Garden historian, specialist on ‘Capability’ Brown, writer and photographer. She is also a Vice-President of the Gardens Trust and Chair of Lincolnshire Gardens Trust Claudio Bincolletto – Head Gardener at Keythorpe Hall Walled… Read more »
The Walled Kitchen Gardens Network – Forum 2023
Harewood House, Yorkshire 6th and 7th October The Kitchen Garden and the Kitchen We are delighted to let you know that booking for our next Forum is now open. Please register using the booking form via this link: We will be updating details for Friday 6th October, and the gardens in Yorkshire we’ll visit on Saturday 7th, over the coming weeks. We will send out updates through the Grapevine and you will also be able to find details on the Events and Training page of the website. The last time we were in Yorkshire was in 2007 when the Forum was held at Helmsley Walled Garden. So much has changed… Read more »
Kitchen Garden Supervisor – National Trust, Knightshayes Court
For more information, follow the link below
News from the Walled Kitchen Gardens Network April 2023
Dear friends, With beautiful photos appearing from walled gardens everywhere, gardens open again for a new season and the hungry gap just about behind us, we are really pleased to let you know about plans for 2023. Ahead of that we first want to send congratulations again to Susan Campbell on being awarded the RHS Veitch Memorial Medal 2023 – given for her dedication and decades of work on, and with walled kitchen gardens. This Award is given ‘for outstanding contribution to the advancement of the science and practice of horticulture’ and is wonderful recognition of everything Susan has done to bring these gardens to the fore and re-establish understanding… Read more »