Kitchen Gardener (Part time – 4 days per week)
12 month temporary contract
Salary: £16,800p.a. (£21,000 FTE)
This is a wonderful opportunity to be a key member of our gardens team working at the award-winning Chiswick House and Gardens. We are looking for an enthusiastic, highly motivated, reliable gardener to lead in the development and running of our productive kitchen garden. The ideal candidate will be an experienced gardener, with a good knowledge of growing produce and general horticulture.
To apply: Please read the job description which can be found at www.chgt.org.uk Applications should be received no later than 9am on Monday 27th March, by CV and covering letter, explaining how you meet the requirements of the person specification. Please email your application to nick.murza@chgt.org.uk as either a Word DOC or PDF. Interviews will be held on 31st March 2017.