When looking at what we posted back then we realised that it just needed a few adjustments
As you will have read we are returning, by invitation, to Audley End for our Forum this year, to help celebrate the 20th (make that 22nd) anniversary of reopening of the walled kitchen gardens in 2000, following the extensive restoration by English Heritage of the kitchen garden and glasshouses.
It is now also 19 years (21 years of course) since the foundation of the Walled Kitchen Gardens Network by Susan Campbell with the late Fiona Grant. The first WKGN Forum was held at Audley End, on 21st September 2002
For this Forum 2020, (2022) we will take a retrospective look at the astounding progress made in the last 20 years, by the Walled Kitchen Gardens fraternity and celebrate these important gardens – part of our historical and cultural gardens’ heritage.
We’d be delighted if you can join us, to meet the people and hear some of the stories and passion that has driven extraordinary work, a belief in the seemingly impossible, and wonderful achievements alongside ongoing work to strengthen the survival of these gardens for the future……….
Booking will be opening soon, in the meantime please get in touch with us, either to:, or leave a message below.
We went on to say, Because of the current situation with coronavirus etc etc BUT CAN NOW TELL YOU WE’RE AIMING FOR MID OCTOBER AND WILL GIVE YOU THE EXACT DATES AND PROGRAM ASAP!

We are thrilled to hear the Conference is coming to Audley End. I remember the first one with great fondness and happy memories.
This is great news! I’d very much like to attend. Please note my contact details below.
Yes I am very interested in attending. Please keep me updated.
I would be very interested in attending once you have a date confirmed.
Best wishes
We would be interested to know the dates for the Audley End visit. We sadly were unable to go on the visit to France.