Memorial for Michael Wickenden Saturday 12th August 2017 at 12 noon Gatehouse of Fleet Parish Church and afterwards at The Mill on the Fleet R.S.V.P. If you will be attending, please let us know to assist us with catering arrangements. Please contact to advise or for further details. Please note that Cally Gardens will be closed to the public on this day.
MAY/JUN 2017 MUSINGS by Maz Gardening Volunteer at Tatton Park Walled Kitchen Garden, Knutsford, Cheshire. Bright and cheery dandelions and graceful cow parsley line the lanes and lift the spirit, as does the glorious sunshine. Everywhere is very dry with grass browning. The Team spent much of the day mulching L-border in Charlotte’s Garden and sprucing up the shrubberies. Potato planting continues, and sowing rows of peas in trenches, with holly sprigs laid on top of the peas before mounding the soil over the rows – hopefully the field mice will have pricked noses should they try to pinch the peas. Hot, hot, hot. Shade was much in demand, and… Read more »